Blackrock Tidy Towns has launched its Doggie Ambassador initiative in an attempt to address the continuing problem of dog fouling in the village. Ten “ambassadors” have already been recruited and can now be seen walking their dogs around Blackrock wearing their distinctive armbands. They carry spare plastic bags and will provide these to other dog owners if asked.
Sometimes a dog owner forgets to carry something to clean up if their dog fouls in a public place. Our team of Blackrock Doggie Ambassadors will be more than willing to provide a bag where this happens, and they can be easily identified by their yellow armbands.
The Doggie Ambassador project began in Scotland a few years ago and has become a successful international initiative to combat the environmental and health implications of dog fouling. It was launched on a county-wide basis by Louth Tidy Towns Together earlier this year. The campaign is supported by black and blue signs which alert dog owners to their responsibilities to clean up as well as reminding them of the penalties of they do not.
People have become a lot less tolerant of the small number of dog owners who do not clean up after their pets, and are much more likely now to report this to the authorities. As a result The Litter Wardens and Dog Wardens are also a lot more vigilant.
If anybody would like to join the Blackrock Doggie Ambassador team they can contact the Tidy Towns by phoning 087 2642064, by emailing, or find them on Facebook.
Picture shows Doggie Ambassadors Sarah and “Max”, Maura and “Fibi”, Dorothy and “Sukki”, Paul and “Scamp”, and Janet and “Molly” at the launch of the initiative in Blackrock.